jack was discovered serendipitously or by accident. During winter millions of tons of road salt are spread on the roads and highways in the Northern US states and in Canada, to provide traction in slippery conditions. This is necessary for the safety of motorists but really makes a mess of automobiles, not to mention the billions of dollars in corrosion damage. In the cold, snowy winter months, car clean up and detailing is not easy or convenient.
Because of the companies long experience in dealing with protecting boats from salt water we thought we could find the solution to protecting cars from the fate of road salt during the winter.
The scientists at Aurora Marine began working with their proprietary Salt Busters™ discovery. Instead of fighting to rid automobile of salt, they could chemically separate the molecules, using some to enhance the cleaning properties while safely discarding the destructive ones, thus eliminating the damage to vehicles.
It was while working on this winter cleaner that they discovered that by using their proprietary Gamma Technology™ to combine and recombine molecules while the product was in use that they could add other cleaners and polymers and they would all act in harmony. In addition to using molecules in salt, this new discovery would also use some of the molecules in the dirt and grime that it was cleaning to accelerate and enhance the cleaning, shining and protecting properties. The result was jack; a super cleaner, paint sealer, protective coating with Ultra Low Surface Energy and a shine with the greatest depth of image of any polish or coating available.